5 Elements of Nature | Space

Original price was: ₹399.00.Current price is: ₹349.00.


Ākāsh: Space

The 5th element of nature.

Element of Stability, Realibility and Abundance.


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According to eastern wisdom, our world is made up of 5 elements. These elements are at the core of every existence.


Yoga has been recognized worldwide as a way to live a heathy life. The word Yoga means union. Living a Yogic lifestyle means living in union with the five elements


This series aims to help you start your day with this union in mind.


Want to know more? Check out the whole series here.

Additional information

Weight 0.465 kg

11 Oz

Mug Quality


Usage & Care Instructions

Hot and cold beverages.
Microwave safe, reheating only. (720W or below, max 2 minutes)
Soft scrub with gentle dish soap.
Dishwasher safe.